CoActive Coaching

“At the heart of Co-Active Coaching is a deeply held belief: people are naturally creative, whole, and resourceful. We, as humans, for the most, don’t require “fixing”. Instead, life unfolds as a dynamic tapestry, where careers ebb and flow, relationships evolve, and most importantly, our values, desires, and motivations develop as we journey through life, enriched by our experiences, perspectives, and the wisdom we gain”

Introducing Co-Active Coaching

The Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard said, “Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.” As I’ve entered my own midlife, it’s taken on new meaning. The past gives us perspective, but it’s in living forward with intention and alignment that we find true transformation. For me, CoActive Coaching was the catalyst that facilitated bringing this quote to life. CoActive focuses on values and vision and helps you see that while the past offers valuable lessons, it’s our commitment to intentional living that truly charts the way forward. It empowers to actively design where you want to go.

Traditionally, we experience transformation most visibly in stages like childhood, adolescence, and midlife. These transitions have shaped our understanding of growth throughout life. But as life expectancy rises and modern living becomes more complex, these phases are evolving more individually, with profound impact and nuanced shifts. 

Studies show that in today’s fast-paced world, we face a significant life transition every 12 to 18 months, with 1 in 10 being a “lifequake”—a major upheaval. On average, we experience 3 to 5 lifequakes in our lifetime, nearly half of which are involuntary.

A motivational speaker I enjoy, Jim Rohn, says, “You cannot change your destination overnight, but you can change your direction.” He also says, “For things to change, you have to change. For things to get better, you have to get better.”

Signs of Change: Clear and Subtle

Life evolves continuously, sometimes without us even noticing. As writer Anaïs Nin said, “Life is a process of becoming.” Transformation can be triggered by major upheavals that are hard to miss, but more often, it builds quietly beneath the surface. As you progress through your career, relationships, and family life, wisdom grows, knowledge deepens, and values shift. Along the way, these changes can manifest as frustration, restlessness, a sense of imbalance, or even a loss of purpose. It’s not uncommon to try to ignore these signs, hoping things will resolve on their own. But by doing so, we risk drifting through life and missing some of the greatest opportunities for meaningful growth.

Being intentional about your direction increases the likelihood that your destination will be consciously designed, rather than left to chance. It’s the difference between living a purposeful life and one that feels reactive, where you may one day look back and wonder what could have been.



I see midlife as a natural evolution, and definitely not a crisis. It is a powerful opportunity for transformation. With all the wisdom you’ve gained, it’s your chance to move forward with renewed purpose, reconnected to the values that define you now. It’s a moment to reenergize your calling, redefine your legacy, and realign your priorities, so you can live a life that truly fulfills you.

What this looks like is deeply personal—and the path forward begins by looking both inward and onward.

“Maybe the journey isn’t so much about becoming anything. Maybe it’s about un-becoming everything that isn’t really you, so you can be who you were meant to be in the first place.”  Paul Coelho

Co-Active Coaching as Your Partner

Co-Active Coaching is a globally recognized model developed by The Co-Active Training Institute (CTI) and accredited by the International Coaching Federation (ICF). It’s a trusted approach for leadership and personal development, built on the idea that we are defined not only by our achievements but by who we become along the way.

Co-Active Coaching helps you reconnect with your core values, define your purpose, and live a life that truly resonates with who you are. The magic lies in balancing inner awareness and values (“Co”) with outer actions and achievements (“Active”), creating a life that feels both intentional and fully alive.

Feeling uncertain or questioning your life, your future, or your evolving self doesn’t mean you’re broken, lost, or in crisis. It simply means you’re still growing, still evolving. Now is the time to recalibrate—drawing on the wisdom you’ve gathered to spark new transformation. What that looks like for you is already within, along with the ability to uncover your own unique path. It’s exciting, energizing, and yes, a bit scary—but that’s part of the journey.

Partnering with a Co-Active Coach gives you a co-driver on this journey—someone to help you reflect, look inward, and find the insights that guide you toward a more fulfilling future.

Embraces Change and Growth

CoActive Coaching encourages seeing change as an opportunity rather than a challenge. Midlife transitions—whether in career, relationships, or personal identity—can be unsettling. This coaching method provides the framework to explore these changes with curiosity and optimism, turning potential uncertainties into moments of growth and empowerment.

A Balanced Approach to Life

CoActive Coaching views individuals as whole and resourceful, which means it supports exploring both the being (who you are) and doing (what you do). This balance is crucial in midlife, when many are rethinking not just their roles but also how they want to show up in life, allowing for a more integrated approach to growth.

Encourages Visioning and Forward Movement

Midlife often raises the question, “What’s next?” CoActive Coaching excels in visioning—helping individuals craft a compelling vision for their future that is aligned with their strengths, values, and desires. It encourages taking action, even in small steps, toward a meaningful and energizing future.

Focus on Core Values and Authenticity

Midlife often brings a period of reflection on personal values, goals, and fulfillment. CoActive Coaching helps individuals reconnect with their core values and live more authentically. It invites people to examine not just what they want to do next, but why it matters, fostering a deeper understanding of what drives true satisfaction.

Empowers Ownership and Accountability

CoActive Coaching places a strong emphasis on personal responsibility. It supports individuals in taking ownership of their journey, empowering them to make intentional choices. This is especially valuable during midlife, when many are seeking a deeper sense of purpose and agency over their lives.

Emphasis on the Whole Person

Rather than focusing narrowly on specific goals or problems, CoActive Coaching views clients holistically. This is essential for midlife transitions, where individuals may be considering shifts in multiple areas—career, relationships, health, or personal identity. By addressing the whole person, the coaching process ensures that the individual’s growth is integrated and sustainable.

Midlife Transformation & Leadership Development

In addition to my fascination with exploring midlife, as I introduced above, my love and passion for coaching was initially ignited during my training as an Officer in the Danish Military. Since then, I’ve had the privilege of leading hundreds of leaders, a journey that has fueled and deepened my passion for providing value, creating impact, and making a meaningful difference in others’ lives, in particular as they grew and explored their leadership.

Over the last decade, whenever someone asked me what I loved about my career, I would mention the excitement of meeting foreign cultures, the dynamic nature of the hospitality business, and the incredible experiences I’ve had. But what truly drove me was people—the privilege of learning from so many people. As well as the privilege of also impacting, inspiring, and bringing value to others. I’ve had the chance to engage with people from diverse walks of life, different cultures, religions, and generations. While there’s much that sets us apart, I believe there is more that connects us, especially when it comes to the deeper, more profound aspects of life. We share many of the same dreams, challenges, and thoughts.

It was this passion for leadership development, along with my reflections on midlife, that led me to begin my Co-Active Coach training in 2021. I wanted to strengthen my ability to support others on their growth journeys. What I hadn’t anticipated was how much this program would challenge me to realign my own values and purpose—ultimately inspiring me to re-chart my own path. Who would have guessed coaching could do that?

Coaching focuses on you as a whole person. We believe that everything in life is connected and nothing stands alone. When exploring through coaching, we go wherever the journey leads us. However, as you can’t be everything for everyone, I’ve chosen to focus my attention predominantly on two areas: Midlife Transformations—whether you are approaching midlife, navigating its puzzling nature, or making sense of its later stages. And Leadership Development—whether you are stepping into your first leadership role or seeking fresh perspective and calibration as a seasoned leader. Leadership, after all, is a lifelong journey. The day you stop learning is the day you stop leading.

If you’re curious about how coaching can support your personal and professional journey, I invite you to connect with me directly. Let’s explore together how coaching can be a catalyst for your growth and transformation.

Short video on co-active

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