impactful leadership programme

An Eight Tridents 12-week Executive Coaching

(Image Petrona Towers, Kuala Lumpur)

“Strategy without Execution is useless, Execution without Strategy is aimless”


In today’s competitive and complex global hospitality landscape, leaders who are adaptable, clear, innovative, and strategically impactful are indispensable. Embracing change as an integral part of an organization’s culture and mindset is key to staying competitive and aligned with market trends and conditions.

Leaders must champion continuous change to drive their businesses forward, but important to remember: ‘Strategy without execution is useless – Execution without strategy is aimless’ is a saying that underscores the importance of both devising strategic plans and effectively implementing them, ensuring that leadership is both purposeful and results-oriented in the ever-evolving hospitality industry

The 12-week Change Leadership Development & Coaching Program is a comprehensive blend of practical management tools and strategic leadership principles, tailored to your unique real-world business scenarios.

This approach guarantees that the learning and development is highly relevant and directly applicable, while also focusing on enhancing your leadership effectiveness and personal growth.

Given that 60-90% of strategies and goals falter during the execution phase, this program is more relevant than ever. It is designed to empower leaders and organisations to accurately identify and prioritise strategic objectives.

If this programme resonates with your vision for leadership excellence, I’d be delighted to discuss how we can collaborate to elevate your leadership capabilities and, by extension, your business.

Engrains concrete skills and confidence needed to lead change

Implements a proven work-structure within your full organisation

Builds a forward-driven team culture that thrives with change

No theoretic case studies, only real life. Your classroom is your hotel

3-hour Executive Team session on “Being a Strategic Leader”

Program is a dynamic blend of sparring, learning and implementation – ultimately you’ll have executed one of your game-changing goals in your business.

Why is Impactful Leadership important


A 2018 study conducted by Les Roches Hotel School and PSD Executive Search explored the crucial skills that hospitality leaders would need in the next decade. Their findings underscored the growing importance of leaders being highly flexible, adaptable, adept at managing cultural diversity, skilled in change management, and disruptive enough to foster creativity and innovation, even reaching visionary levels.

Throughout my 25-year career, it would be fair to say, that global competition has heightened, hotels have grown far more complex, we have seen a substantial shift in talent demands plus the battle for (retaining) competent leaders has intensified. And as the industry has also become more globally connected, geopolitical factors from the other side of the world, are now almost certain to impact your business in one way or the other. 

An otherwise fairly steadfast industry has in the last decade propelled into a new exciting, dynamic and innovative age. But as the complexities have increased, so have the expectations for the leaders navigating in it. 

The Les Roches/PSD Executive Search study aptly captures this evolution. The leaders of today and tomorrow must make adaptability to change a central element of their leadership to stay competitive and profitable in this rapidly evolving landscape. The pace of business development requires leaders to have a well-plotted vision while remaining nimble and flexible in prioritizing strategic initiatives to achieve their goals.

Eight Tridents’ Impactful Leadership Program is designed with this context in mind, aiming to fortify leaders’ capacity and confidence to navigate changes strategically and swiftly. By enhancing change leadership, the program not only bolsters business adaptability, but also fosters a team culture that sees change as integral—a positive catalyst for continuous growth and a necessity for maintaining competitiveness.

The value you can expect


Transitional Change

Learning is a continuous process, and the 12-week program is designed to accommodate this. With the extended timeframe, you can learn, reflect, practice, reflect again, and try anew, all while receiving consistent support for collaboration. And just as individuals need time to adapt to new methods, organizations also require an adjustment period. The program both supports your transformative journey while recognizing the parallel need for ongoing operational functionality.

Strategic Leadership

In today’s fast-paced business landscape, effective leadership means skillfully balancing day-to-day management with strategic growth. Leaders who blend clear structure and active team involvement excel in steering both daily operations and long-term development. By fostering a culture of participation and responsibility, they align team efforts with organizational goals, ensuring a cohesive and inclusive approach crucial for enduring success. This balanced leadership style is essential for thriving in the complexities of the modern world of hospitality.

Communication & Accountability

We’ll evaluate your organizational communication for clarity and widespread impact. Through a structured process, our goal is to bring together all levels of your organization, nurturing a team culture driven by a shared commitment to contribute and progress. This involves establishing a clear direction, defining roles and expectations, ensuring transparent two-way communication, and celebrating achievements when milestones are reached.

Investment for the future

You take the lead and have full ownership of your success, ensuring the lessons learned are ingrained and sustainable. The groundwork you establish will result in improved performance, productivity, retention, and motivation that extends well into the future. Moreover, evidence demonstrates that coaching surpasses traditional compressed training methods, boasting an 86% application rate compared to the 21% seen in conventional training approaches.

Industry & leadership guidance

I will apply my expertise in hospitality and leadership to share perspectives and ideas that can enhance your journey. Whether addressing challenges, optimizing operations, or fostering a positive team culture, I am dedicated to providing practical and impactful support.


Network Alliance

If relevant to your organisation and goals, I will connect you with partners of Eight Trident’s Alliance Network, for you to explore collaborations with.

Managing Hotels strategically, can be compared to when steering with a compass – every subtle change in degree of angle, has some impact on here and now, but over time and distance, it makes a massive impact as for where you end up


The three phases of the 12 weeks

Discovery phase

In the Discovery phase, the focus is on familiarising yourself and your team with the tools and path ahead. Establishing a new organizational culture is a transformative process, and pushing for rapid, comprehensive change may alienate those who are integral to the success of the transformation. The initial four weeks are dedicated to harmonizing a “new language,” gaining leadership support, and clearly defining the first significant, transformative goal. As part of this phase we complete a 3hour Executive Team session, to ensure your senior leadership is onboard the journey ahead

Planning phase

The planning phase is also the main learning phase. We adhere to Eight Tridents’ custom-designed program, covering a different topic each week (Game-changing Goals, Communication, Accountability, and Your Personal Leadership). Sparring through each topic, we discuss concrete tools, structures and leadership, and you start to explore and define how the framework best will work for you and your organisation. Step by step, you begin to lay a foundation for a winning culture that embraces change.

Implementation phase

The Implementation phase is about deepening the learning within your leadership and organisation. We repeat the sequence and topics from previous 4 weeks, but now the focus is on supporting through the critical implementation and execution phase. It is critical to have a structure and a plan, but the real challenges usually come when the “honeymoon” of introducing new has faded, and we need to keep consistent momentum. It is in this stage where most strategies fail, as leadership experiences the initial uphill effort it can be to introduce change-leadership. 

Office Location

Stockholm, Sweden